The Baddeck Area Business and Tourism Association (BABTA)

Welcome to BABTA’s Industry info page! Where members and potential members learn about BABTA’s activities and participate in their local business organization!

What is BABTA?

Started in 1991, BABTA was established as a marketing organization to promote Baddeck and Area as a tourist destination, as well as to establish a Visitor Centre in the village to provide visitors with guidance during their time here. Run by community business owners (volunteers) for decades, BABTA has been instrumental in the development of the current tourism product and continues to support visitors as well as the community and its businesses.

Today, BABTA represents the business community interests of Baddeck and Area, manages the visitor centre,, Visit Baddeck and Area social media pages as well as the Victoria County Comfort Station (community washrooms) in Baddeck. It also plays an important role in community events such as the Canada Day parade, Christmas in the Village and the Baddeck Winter Festival.

We welcome all businesses to become a member of BABTA and if you desire a strong and resilient business community in Baddeck, we hope you will join our organization!

2025 Annual General Meeting

BABTA’s 2025 Annual General Meeting is planned for April 10th at 3pm!

AGM details:

  • Space for meeting and networking session from 3pm to 6pm on Thursday, April 10th, 2025.
  • Chairs for the attendees, may also require tables (will depend on exiting setup)
  • Podium and basic audio equipment preferred but not required.
  • Small table for registration.
  • Ability to provide appetizers and cash bar during networking session following the meeting.

Any interested business who would like to host this year’s AGM, please express interest by emailing before March 13th at 5pm to be considered.

An RSVP will be circulated for attendance at a later date.

Annual Baddeck Area Business and Tourism Accolades

As a way of celebrating the wonderful stories we hear about the hard and valuable work done by our member businesses and individuals, we are embarking on finding and sharing these stories. Please share your opinions on who is doing their best in the Baddeck Area. We accept all nominations from Wreck Cove to Iona and Boularderie / Ross Ferry to Middle River. The Selection Committee will be made up of Baddeck Area Business and Tourism Association members, including a Committee Chair who will have a vote only in the event of a tie.

The BABTA Accolades Categories

  • The Rising Star New Business Award is presented to reward the efforts of the entrepreneur who has created a successful and growing business through the application of commitment, dedication, hard work, ingenuity and innovation. 
    • Recipients of this award must have operated a business in rural Cape Breton / Northern Nova Scotia for no more than three years. The owner must demonstrate, through good business planning, a consistent growth and development pattern.
  • The Community Spirit Award was created to recognize an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the inception and/or growth of community opportunities in the field of recreation, leisure, business and/or health. 
    • The recipient of this award must have made a significant contribution in one or more of the following areas: recreation, leisure, business and/or health. This contribution can be demonstrated by a person who has: 
    • Exhibited high standards of voluntary performance (e.g. dedication, commitment, time, energy, leadership, attitude and motivation), and
    • Contributed to a broad range of activities within the field of community volunteerism.
  • The Outstanding Customer Service Award is designed for our members to put the spotlight on one of their employees who has demonstrated outstanding, “above and beyond” service to the citizens and customers for their employer over the last year.
    • Recipient’s actions must reflect all five of the customer service attributes: 
    • Courteous: Greet the customers promptly and courteously. 
    • Helpful: Honour your commitments in a timely manner. 
    • Accessible: Listen to the customers with respect. Be polite. Focus on their perspective.
    • Responsive: Own the customer’s issue.
    • Knowledgeable: Provide accurate and up-to-date information